
Trevithick Class Y4

Welcome to Trevithick class!
Our class is a team - we are innovators, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century!
Our class is named after Richard Trevithick, who was a true innovator and invented the first steam engine. He pioneered the use of 'strong steam' which revolutionised mining in Cornwall. During our time in Year 4 we will be studying his influence on mining in our local history topic, our residential which includes visiting some Cornish mines and when we celebrate St Pirans day. 
Miss Gilbert

Class Teacher

All about me! Miss Gilbert

Hello, I’m Miss Gilbert and  I will be teaching Trevithick class this year.


I am really looking forward to the year ahead and we have got lots of exciting trips, visitors, projects and WOW moments lined up for you all. Plus, the much anticipated year 4 residential! Brunel class and Trevithick class will work closely together with our projects and there will be lots of opportunities for collaborative learning linking to our STEAM curriculum.


Here are a few facts about me:

  •       Favourite colour: Teal
  •       Favourite animal: Pandas
  •       Favourite beach: Caerhays
  •       Favourite book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  •       Favourite subjects: Art and VIPERs (reading)


Fun Fact: I once camped out in London for the new Harry Potter movie premiere and the book launch for Deathly Hallows!

Miss Hesford

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Watts

Teaching assistant

Spring Term 2
Our new project is focussing on rainforests and our enquiry question is 'Why should the rainforest be important to us?'
Here is an overview of our planned learning for this term:

Key Information


In English, the children will study some Cornish folk tales before creating their own in a similar style. Later in the term. Children will also create an explanation text linked to their learning in Science.


We will focus upon times tables, We will be completing units on Geometry (Shape, Position and direction) and statistics.


Our PE days will be on a Monday and Friday and we would like children to bring their PE kit in, ready to change at school. 

Reading and Handwriting 

We devote time daily to independent reading and handwriting, as these are vitally important skills which help us across all curriculum areas. Watch this space for examples of high quality reading and writing, coming soon! 


Each week, there will be spellings to learn using Spelling Shed.  Daily reading and regular practise of times tables using Times Table Rockstars is also part of our homework expectation.  Optional homework activities can be found in the grid below.

A showcase of our learning in Trevithick...

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