
Bouman Class (Y5)

Welcome to Bouman class!


 Our class is a team - we are pioneers, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century!

Bouman Class is our Year Five class and we form part of The Pioneers Stage. Our class is named after Katie Bouman. Her pioneering work as an American engineer, who worked as part of a team that captured the first-ever image of a black hole, had an incredible impact future scientific discoveries.

Mrs Baxter

Class Teacher

Hi, I am Mrs Baxter and I will be the class teacher for Bouman Class. I am really looking forward to the year ahead as we have got lots of exciting trips, visitors, projects and WOW moments. We have such an exciting curriculum to look forward to together and lots of shared learning, outside activities, clubs and trips in store for you all! 

Over the last few years, I have discovered a love of paddle boarding and bouldering but I’m definitely still in need of some practice! I enjoy being active and creative; I especially love baking sweet treats to share with others! When I’m not in school I spend my time at the beach with my two dogs, Max and Milo. They love catching a frisbee and swimming in the sea! 


I look forward to welcoming you to Bouman class! 

Mrs Denning

General Teaching Assistant

Mrs Steele

General Teaching Assistant

Miss Manners

SEN Support

Mr Griffin

SEN Support

Miss Stevens

SEN Support


In our English lessons we will focus on Children of the Benin Kingdom as a text, exploring its characters and the perspectives of their story. We will then use the text as a basis for our own creative writing. 



We use VIPERS to cover the reading content domains across KS1 and KS2. In VIPERS, we will be exploring the book Children of the Benin Kingdom. 



In Maths we will continue to investigate shape, position & direction, and negative numbers before consolidating our understanding of the topics covered in Year Five.


PE will be on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The students will need kit suitable for both indoor and outdoor activities. This term we will be learning skills in both Badminton and Athletics.


Reading and Handwriting

At Nansledan, we appreciate the huge importance of both reading and handwriting. These are the keys to unlocking the rest of the curriculum. With this in mind, time is devoted to these skills daily.



Access Spelling Shed to practise our weekly spellings. The children will be tested on these spelling words every Friday.

A list of challenge words that children in England are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 6 (age 11) can be found below. Please also practise these throughout the year.

Homework is set half termly as the suggested learning opportunities at home. Children are also able to access TTRS, Spelling Shed and SumDog whilst at home.


Google Classroom

• Invitation link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjIwOTk5Nzk5MjQw?cjc=ep72nye

• Class code: ep72nye

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