Starting school in September 2025, please come and have a look around our school on the following dates Monday 21st October at 3.30pm and Wednesday 23rd Oct at 9.30am. We look forward to seeing you.


Maths at Nansledan
Maths is the 'M' in our STEAM curriculum. We aim to instil a love of mathematics within our future leaders through our learning opportunities, making cross-curricular and contextual links with maths in the real world. Starting in EYFS, our pupils are introduced and exposed to a range of methods and manipulatives. At Nansledan, we encourage our pupils to think, reason and problem-solve like mathematicians.

Mathematics aims

We aim to:

  • ensure all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, have frequent opportunities to reason mathematically and problem-solve in a variety of contexts.
  • to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals and sets them up with the fundamental skills to become successful in their future lives.
  • deliver the curriculum in a way that makes learning applicable to the real world, encouraging aspirations in STEAM careers and provide culture capital. 
  • teach pupils that mathematics is a tool for everyday life. 
  • promote curiosity, enthusiasm, and enjoyment in all aspects of our maths curriculum.
  • develop a love of learning within mathematics.
We endeavour for our children to have real experiences, develop aspiration for the future and learn about maths in an inspiring way and therefore visitors, trips and cross-curricular links form a fundamental part of our STEAM curriculum.
Maths in the Early Years

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Maths is known as one of the specific areas of learning. Our EYFS provision delivers a balance between child-initiated and adult-led learning. Children in our EYFS classes work towards the mathematics programme of study from the statutory framework. Continuous Provision provides purposeful learning opportunities within both the indoor and outdoor areas, exposing the children to hands-on experiences and high-quality mathematical talk. Maths is taught daily, in addition to a 15-minute Number Fact session. At Nansledan, maths is promoted in daily routines, such as registration tens-frames, number stories, songs/rhymes and number representatives within the classroom. In line with statutory requirements children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals for Mathematics at the end of the reception year.

For more information, please see the links below.


KS1 and KS2
Maths is taught as a discrete subject in addition to being woven into our STEAM projects. Pupils at Nansledan begin their time in our Explorers stage. They explore number with curiosity, awe and wonder. Continuous provision continues into the initial stages of Year 1, where purposeful resources are laid out in a classroom to stimulate learning through play. We are focused on a whole school mastery approach to our teaching of mathematics. This involves spending longer on key topics by taking smaller steps to ensure that children acquire a deeper understanding. We also ensure that we are addressing the three key aims of the National Curriculum – fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We champion our STEAM curriculum. Challenge is always visible in our teaching of mathematics, where children are asked reason and problem-solve to demonstrate their deep level of understanding.  In addition, we place great emphasis on the use of concrete and pictorial representations. Nansledan pupils know and remember more by completing a ‘Spiral Maths’ task daily to recap prior learning. Thus, further supporting the children’s ability to recall number facts quickly, reason and problem-solve effectively. We use the schemes of learning from White Rose Maths which are based on the National Curriculum. Our mathematics curriculum is purposeful, and we additionally use a range of high-quality resources from NCETM and Number Sense. Teachers use our ‘Nansledan Maths Bingo’ to further enrich our children’s maths diets.

The children at Nansledan experience a wide range of learning challenges and are given opportunities to explore and ask questions. Children are encouraged to adopt an ‘I can’ attitude, they know mistakes enable them to learn and misconceptions are only temporary. At Nansledan, children are eager and fascinated by the infinity of number and concepts they encounter as they move through each programme of study.

A showcase of our maths learning at Nansledan...

Nansledan School
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