
Fleming Class Y1

Welcome to Fleming Class
Our class is a team - we are discoverers, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century!
 Our class is named after Sir Alexander Fleming, he was a Scottish physician and microbiologist.  He is best known for discovering the world's first broadly effective antibiotic substance, which he named penicillin.
Mrs Reskelly

Class Teacher (Monday - Tuesday)

All about me!
I'm Mrs Reskelly and I will be teaching in Fleming class on Mondays and Tuesdays. 
I am looking forward to working with Mrs Oswick to teach Fleming class, we will work closely with Mrs Kiell in Newton class, we are really lucky to have such a great year 1 team. We have a fun year ahead with lots of exciting learning and enrichment opportunities planned. 
Here are a few facts about me:
  • Favourite colour: Teal
  • Favourite animal: Dogs (and penguins)
  • Favourite beach: Harlyn (I got married there)
  • Favourite book: The Twits by Roald Dahl
  • Favourite food: Potatoes - in any form!
Fun Fact about me: I lived in Australia for seven years until I missed Cornwall too much so I moved back home to be closer to family and the beautiful Cornish beaches. I have taught in Australia, New Zealand and Sri Lanka but in my opinion Cornwall tops them all! 
Mrs Oswick

Class Teacher (Wednesday - Friday)

All about me! Mrs Oswick

Hello, I’m Mrs Oswick and I will be teaching in Fleming class Wednesday - Friday. 

Throughout the year ahead, we will work closely with our Yr 1 partner class, Newton and their teacher, Mrs Kiell.  We have such an exciting curriculum to look forward to together and exciting trips, visitors, activities and WOW moments lined up for you all. 

Here are a few facts about me:


Colour – Yellow 

Animal - Dog

Beach – Porth

Food – Lasagne

Fun Fact: I have lived in Hong Kong and Thailand and LOVE to travel and visit new places!

Mrs Parris

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Richards

Teaching Assistant

Spring 2


This term, we will be starting our 'Talk 4 Writing' story 'Supertato'. The children will:

Imitate: The children will learn the story using key language and actions.

Innovate: The children will learn to change certain parts of the text such as characters, settings.

Invent: The children will write their own version of the story.

Non-fiction: A simple fact file linked to our History, Nurturing Nurses. 

Little Wandle

Our reading and phonics is taught through our daily Little Wandle sessions.  The children will be heard read three times a week and will develop their skills of Decoding, Prosody and Comprehension.  Reading books will be changed every Monday.  We encourage all children to read their books at home every day to support these skills.  

A weekly phonics overview sheet will be sent home every Monday.  These are to inform parents of the phonics being covered that week and for children to practice certain spellings at home if they wish to do so. 

Your child can also choose and change their love of reading library book throughout the week once they have finished it.  


Our Maths learning this term will focus on:

Place value within 20 and 50.

Counting, ordering, using and comparing numbers to 20 and 50. Estimating. Grouping and partitioning. Count by making groups of ten. Partitioning into tens and ones.1 more 1 less.

Addition and subtraction to 20

Counting on/backwards, number bonds, doubles, finding the difference.


Including length, height, mass, and volume.


Our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. 

This half term will focus on:  

 Dance: Heroes 

Pupils will explore the problems that day-to-day heroes might face and create solutions through dance movements 

Ball Skills: Rackets bats and balls 

The focus of the learning is to consolidate pupils ability to control, hit and roll a ball using a racket.  

Class organisation

The children will have a main lesson input as a whole class and then complete their independent work with an adult in a small, focused groups.  They are able to access activities within the classroom at their tables if they are not working with an adult or outside, which will further their understanding of topics. 


Children should bring their reading book to school everyday please. Their library books can be changed daily.
Please send your child to school with a named drinks bottle each day, this should only contain water please.
A piece of fruit will be provided as a morning snack for each child everyday. 
Please ensure all children's uniform and coats are clearly named. Thank you. 
Spring Term 2
Our STEAM topic this term is ‘Superheroes' and our STEAM enquiry question is ‘What makes a Superhero?’   
Here is an overview of our planned learning for this term. 
A showcase of our learning in Fleming Class: 

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